There are many types of energy healing treatments available, so many, in fact, that it can be a little daunting to choose which type of healing would be best for your situation. I will try to explain here what a Womb Blessing is, how it helped me, and how it could help you!
Healing is universal and deals with a range of symptoms, such as, insomnia, generalised anxiety and pain reduction to name a few. The benefits of receiving healing are greater mental clarity and the ability to relax more deeply, which is beneficial for both men and women.
But, what about specific women’s health issues, such as menopause, PMT, fibroids, endometriosis or other gynaecological conditions?
I wanted to find a healing system that was more specifically targeted to a woman after I had a sub-total hysterectomy due to fibroids. When I was diagnosed with fibroids, I was under a huge amount of stress at work, which I now know created electrical, chemical and hormonal discharges into my body manifesting as a serious imbalance.
For me, fibroids and prolonged heavy bleeding was Mother Nature’s way of saying “Are you directing your creative energy into a dead-end job?” And my answer was yes.
What is a Womb Blessing?
A Womb Blessing is a transformational therapy that brings powerful awakening and healing to our femininity, to our cycles and also to the female archetypes. These archetypes are described as the stages in a woman’s life; maiden, mother and crone. They are embodied in all women.
A Womb Blessing connects us deeply to our female nature, brings awareness to our power and brings its sacredness into our everyday lives.
I discovered this healing modality after hearing feedback from other women who had tried it. Without hesitation, I booked into a workshop to experience it and find out more. The Womb Blessing was offered as a healing ceremony where I sat upright in a chair, whilst the practitioner placed her hands lightly over areas of my body, but mostly directed at my sacral chakra (uterus).
It was truly enlightening to understand that, even though my physical womb had been removed, receiving healing this way would help me to recuperate after surgery and also connect me back to my creativity. This is because the womb ‘space’ is still energetically the same.
After this experience, I trained in the therapy so that I might better understand its benefits.
How can Womb Blessings help?
One of the most powerful revelations was how, the more connected I felt to my femininity, the more authentic I became. I began to let go of patterns of behaviour that no longer served me, and even started dressing more creatively and allow my hair colour to grow out!
Every Womb Blessing builds on the one before, as we begin to become more connected to our deeper self and more in-tune with our body. It becomes a path to discover who we truly are as beautiful, spiritual, sensual, creative and empowered women.
At the end of the Womb Blessing session, I was offered a snack and a drink, and a chance to speak from the heart about anything that had been brought to my attention during the healing. This felt very nurturing and it made me realise how, as women, we often do not give ourselves enough time to receive.
A reluctance to acknowledge the need for help is commonplace amongst women, as we are often the main caregiver. But, deciding to commit to a journey of healing is to commit to a path of self-discovery, awakening, personal development and relief from the stresses and strains of a masculine world.
How to prepare for a Womb Blessing
A Womb Blessing can be received by distance healing as well as in-person. It is important to make time to receive the energy, just as you would if you travelled to a therapist. Allow time to prepare your space, and then around two hours to connect to the therapist, receive the healing and then rest.
In preparing your space, you simply need to be warm and comfortable, with as few distractions as possible. You can play relaxing music, burn incense or light a candle if that helps you to relax more deeply. Ensure you have a large glass or bottle of water to hand, and it is also nice to have a pad and pen to make notes on how you feel before and after the session.
Ensuring you have time to rest after the session is an important part of learning to receive. Our fast-paced culture tends to disregard the importance of rest and recovery. When you rest after a Womb Blessing (or any healing session for that matter), your cells have time to process the new frequencies. This could mean that you fall asleep for a short while but, if that does happen, it tells you that your body really needed it!