Healing Therapy for Vaccine injured

Assistance for members of UK CV Family

Healing through giving

Sessions for the Vaccine Injured - Gifted and Donation only

The UK CV Family is a dedicated support network for individuals who have faced adverse reactions following their COVID-19 vaccinations. This community stands as a beacon of solidarity, offering resources, comfort, and a shared space for discussing and navigating these unexpected challenges.

If you have been injured by the vaccination programme I recommend you join this community.

For members of the UK CV Family support group, I am gifting monthly healing sessions by distance and offering donation based in-person sessions if you live locally. 

Details of sessions below

For those who are unable to attend my studio in person, I offer an initial 12 week distance healing programme, using Frequency Healing.

If you find the sessions benefit you over the 12 weeks, you can continue to receive healing from me.

Click the pink button below to find out more.

For those who can attend my studio in Cambridgeshire I offer sessions in the Orynoco unit, accepting donations in any amount as an energetic exchange for my time and support. These contributions assist me in continuing this vital work. You can read more about Orynoco here.

*Please Note

I currently only offer these sessions to those who are members of the UK CV Family and who have been referred by them.

This is to ensure that each person has the support from this network, which I would not be able to provide.

An initial consultation is always required, where we will discuss your circumstances and symptoms to ensure a truly aligned and beneficial experience. 

Please get in touch either through my programme page below, or the Contact page.

Voices of Healing