Learn to become a healer

Awaken your Inner Healer: Explore Transference Healing

Training with Alexis Cartwright

Discover the Power of Frequency Healing

Since 2008, I have been working with a profound energy modality that has transformed my life and the lives of my clients. This is  Transference Healing®, which I have a deep respect for and the incredible shifts it has facilitated.

However, for many years I have described my work as Frequency Healing – a term that resonates more clearly with those new to this practice.

Frequency Healing harnesses the power of light, colour, sound, sacred symbols, and crystals to clear energetic blockages, raise your vibration, and support deep healing.

While many people are familiar with Reiki or Crystal Healing, Transference Healing remains lesser-known. By focusing on the essence of what I offer – working with Frequencies to restore balance and alignment – I have found it easier to connect with those seeking energetic support.

If you feel called to explore this profound healing system for yourself, I am thrilled to share an incredible opportunity to train online with Alexis Cartwright in September 2025. Alexis is the channel and founder of Transference Healing, and her teachings offer deep transformation for those ready to step into self-healing and empowerment.

Here is an opportunity to access the wisdom and profound healing techniques which shaped my own journey.  

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Join Alexis for the
Online Fundamental Training
12 – 14 September 2025

This three-day training is the first step in your self-healing journey through the Transference Healing lineage. It contains all the alchemy within the energy, giving you the tools to energetically support yourself and your loved ones. 

  • Learn practical energetic procedures that empower you to heal yourself and your loved ones. 
  • Learn how to lift your frequency, clear past pain and gain clarity around ongoing concerns. 
  • Learn how to channel the Transference Healing frequencies to break down resistance and limitation, so you can manifest a reality in alignment with your Higher Self.
This link will also allow you to register for the Advanced Training dates as a bundle lower price, should you wish to commit to both courses.
If you would like to register for all three courses; Fundamentals, Advanced and Teacher Training, please get in touch, as I have a different bundle price link offering a substantial discount.
Join Alexis for the
Online Advanced Training
16 – 17 September 2025

If you are truly committed to personal and spiritual empowerment, the Advanced Training is the perfect next step. This two-day training is all about lightbody technology and the embodiment of a new reality. Upon its completion, you will have the knowledge and confidence to run a full Transference Healing session on others. 

  • Anchor cosmic frequencies to feel divine synchronicity and guidance in your everyday life. 
  • Learn how to support yourself through higher initiations and the shifts occurring on our planet. 
  • Work with ancient Mystery School teachings, while also anchoring and integrating your higher, Future Self.
This link will also allow you to register for the Teacher Training dates as a bundle lower price, should you wish to commit to both courses.
Join Alexis for the
Online Teacher Training
19 September 2025

The Teacher Training is the next step for anyone who wants to actively participate in the awakening and empowerment of others. This one-day training holds the teachings that encourage your evolution from a healer and practitioner, into a spiritual teacher and ascension facilitator. Upon completion of this training, you will have the skills and certification to teach the Transference Healing Fundamental Training to your own clients.

  • Be initiated into a divine self-mastership process so you can be of service to others. 
  • Participate in a clearing, alignment and initiation that will support you to hold a space for others. 
  • Learn how to grow your spiritual business and become self-sufficient through the Transference Healing energy.


This booking link is for Teacher Training only.  You must have completed Fundamentals and Advanced before signing up for this training.

If you are completely new to this modality, then please try either a face to face or distance healing session to see how different it feels.  Sessions are 60-80 minutes and include recorded feedback, plus follow up support.  
Select the ALL SERVICES tab in the top menu or come to the HOME page to make your selection.  You can also book a free consultation from the home page to discuss your situation if you prefer.