In this section of my website, I have recommended wellness products that I have used myself, which have greatly improved my health. If you would like to find out more, please feel free to get in touch. I have linked to each of their websites below for your convenience.
This site contains product affiliate links. I may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links.
This, however, has no bearing on my reviews. I only recommend items that I believe in, have used and truly recommend.
For Orynoco products please click here. Orynoco is cutting edge conscious technology for healing and well-being.
I can really recommend this company for their colloidal silver products. So far I have used the gel, on cuts and rashes, the lip balm, for sore and cracked lips in the winter and I have tried the colloidal gold as a supplement.
Colloidal silver is the term used to describe tiny particles of silver suspended in a liquid. Active Silver manufacture Colloidal Silver of the highest quality, which can be used as an extremely effective antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and skin healing solution. Silver has been widely used as a natural treatment throughout history, as far back as Ancient Greece where they used a silver coin in a barrel of water to keep it fresh and stop bacteria growing.
It was very commonly used until the introduction of antibiotics c.1938, and is used by many many people today to help heal damaged skin and to fight infection. Hospitals use silver-coated implements and catheters to help prevent infection and it is found in sticky plasters and wound dressings in hospitals and burns units where it is used to heal skin and fight infection. It is also found in water systems in space shuttles, and is used by many airlines to curtail water-borne diseases.
For 10% off your order, enter coupon code CAROLFENNER.
In the last hundred or so years we have lost something vital for our health and wellbeing: our electrical connection to the Earth. With the advent of rubber and plastic soled shoes, and insulating mattresses, in insulated houses, we spend our days and nights disconnected from the Earth.
One only has to walk barefoot in the grass or on a beach for a while to feel the benefits of regaining this connection, and yet in our modern lives it is not always practical to do so. There is a very physical and scientifically verifiable reason why we feel better when we do this:
The Earth is a massive reservoir of negatively charged free electrons. Without a connection to this reservoir, the cells in our body are unable to balance the positive charge which results from things like electron-deficient free radicals. The effect of excess positive charge in the blood can be seen very clearly by the way in which the cells are attracted to clump together.
There are various things we can do to balance this electron-deficiency, such as eating anti-oxidant rich foods and drinking living water. But what has been largely overlooked until recently is receiving free electrons from the Earth.
It’s such a simple thing and yet the effect can be so profound. In our modern lives we cannot always be outside and barefoot, but fortunately there are new technologies which can provide this electrical connection to the Earth in a convenient and practical way.
There is another effect of grounding which is particularly relevant in our modern electrical world. Our environment is full of a wide spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, from computers, mobile phones & masts, radio & TV broadcasts, WiFi, Bluetooth, power lines, domestic wiring, and other electrical appliances.
This electromagnetic radiation induces voltages in our bodies, disrupting the trillions of subtle electrical communications which are a vital part of the function of our body’s systems. By being grounded to the Earth we greatly reduce the levels of these induced voltages. We are electrical beings, living on an electrical planet, and our connection is vital for our health and wellbeing.
Rowland Earthing supply earthing sheets for your bed, along with other products, which help keep you grounded in your day-to-day life.
I stopped using automatic washing powder because of the synthetic chemicals and fake smell some years ago.
Allavare are good old fashioned laundry products, without hormone disrupters and skin irritants. They have cut out all parabens, preservatives, dyes, phosphates, fillers and enzymes so there are 8 times less unnecessary chemicals than standard supermarket washing powder. Which gives you a pure and efficient wash!
They also make natural oxygen bleach and stain remover. Basically I buy a bag of laundry powder and it lasts me 3 months. This is with 3 adults at home, and a minimum of 3 washes per week.
For 10% off your order, use coupon code CAROL53173.